Brain/Nervous System and Ayurved
BRAIN/Nervous System and AYURVED:
This is the field of medicine where AYURVED has always EXCELLED & proved its Superiority again & again. Many patients turn to AYURVED only because they have been told that there is no CURE/TREATMENT for their Nervous system condition. After extensive & Expensive investigations the patient is often told that he/she must learn to live with the disease. At the most, they are given medicines that have to be taken LIFELONG(not to mention the side effects that come along) in an effort to reduce the symptoms or to delay the progress of the disease. Then, they come to AYURVED as a LAST HOPE. At Amogh Sanjeevani, we tell them that AYURVED has been since ages dealing successfully in the treatment of various BRAIN & NERVOUS SYSTEM diseases, ranging from Paralysis, Epilepsy, Parkinsonism, Muscle diseases, Brain tumours etc. Chapters & chapters have been written on these diseases in Ayurvedic texts. The terminology is very precise, the description is very detailed, the classification is accurate and most importantly elaborate Treatment regimens are given for all conditions ranging from the simplest to the most complex of Nervous Diseases. Many medicines are so complex & lengthy in their manufacturing processes that they leave the readers dumbfounded. Such extensive knowledge has existed in AYURVED regarding Brain/Nervous system diseases.
Many terms have been used to describe the various Brain/Nervous system diseases/conditions, for e.g VAATROGA (a broad term used to describe the various afflictions of the Nervous system ), MURCHA( fainting ), APASMAR( epilepsy ), SANYASA( Coma ), PAKSHAGHATA( paralysis ), ARDIT( facial paralysis ), SHIRSHAMBU( hydrocephalus ) etc. Thus one can see that the knowledge of these diseases has been existent in Ayurved for ages. Many scholars continued to work on various subjects and enriched Ayurved. The BRAIN is the most complex & delicate organ of the human body. Hence the diagnosis & treatment of Nervous system diseases is the most challenging. AYURVED can be rightly called as the Pathy of Choice for treatment for such difficult conditions.
1.Description of Nervous system:
The Nervous system can be divided into 2 components
1.Central nervous system(C.N.S.): This consists of 2 main structures
2.Peripheral nervous system(P.N.S.): Everything else comes under this, i.e.the nerves arising from the spinal cord and the ganglia. The P.N.S is further subdivided into
a. SOMATIC nervous system: This part controls the voluntary muscles of the body
b. AUTONOMIC nervous system: This is responsible for the control of visceral functions of the body. This helps control the arterial pressure, G.I motility, urinary bladder emptying, sweating, body temperature, respiratory rate, sexual arousal, papillary response etc. The Autonomic N.S. is further subdivided into
1.SYMPATHETIC nervous system
2.PARASYMPATHETIC nervous system
These two have opposite effects on the same sets of organs.
To list all the human Nervous system functions and responsibilities of various parts of it(brain/spinal cord/nerves etc. ) will require a whole book!!! Hence let us see the main functions of the Nervous system in brief. To summarize, all the functions of the Nervous system can be categorized into 3→
a. SENSORY function: The Nervous system receives information about the environment around us(also within the body) constantly. This is done via the sensory receptors like Visual, Auditory, tactile etc. These receptors detect sensory stimuli like Touch, Sound, Light, Pain, Cold and warmth.
b.INTEGRATIVE function: The sensory stimuli that are received by sensory receptors are communicated to specific parts of the Nervous system where that information is PROCESSED. This information is processed, integrated and coordinated so that appropriate motor responses occur.
c.MOTOR functions: The most important ultimate role of the Nervous system is to control the various bodily activities. This is achieved by controlling
1.contraction of the skeletal (voluntary)muscles
2.contraction of smooth muscle(involuntary)muscles in the internal organs
3.secretion by exocrine and endocrine glands
The functions of C.N.S. are performed at 3 major levels
a. Spinal cord level: The spinal cord is not merely a channel for signals from the periphery of the body to the brain and vice versa.On the contrary, the spinal cord can perform many functions on its own like 1. Walking movements 2.withdrawal of the body from painful objects 3. Stiffening of legs for body support and so on.
It is noteworthy to mention that the upper levels of the nervous system often operate by sending signals to the spinal cord itself, thus commanding the cord centres to perform their functions.
b.Lower Brain level: This includes the cerebellum, medulla, pons, hypothalamus, thalamus and basal ganglia. Many subconscious activities of the body are controlled in these areas, for e.g. subconscious control of arterial pressure and respiration is done by the medulla and pons.
c.Higher Brain level: This includes the cerebrum. The cerebral cortex is an enormous memory storehouse. The importance of the cerebral cortex can be understood by one fact that without it the functions of the lower brain centres are imprecise. It is the cortex that converts these functions to determinative actions. Also, all our THOUGHT PROCESSES are performed by the cortex.
3. SYMPTOMS of BRAIN/NERVOUS system Diseases:
It can be easily understood that the symptoms of Nervous system diseases vary very widely because the Nervous system controls so many different bodily functions. Depending on the part or whole system involved the specific symptoms are seen ranging from a simple TIC to very serious life-threatening conditions like COMA. It should be remembered that many such symptoms can be due to various causes and your doctor is the best person to diagnose the exact condition. Hence let us see the various signs and symptoms that should prompt the patient to consult a doctor at the earliest.
1. Muscle malfunction: This is a very important symptom to notice and usually the patient can recognize even slight abnormality in his muscle functioning. This can present as various forms like Weakness, abnormalities in walking, slowed responses, tremors, muscle spasms, rigidity, spasticity, and the worst of all PARALYSIS(partial/complete).
2. PAIN: Pain anywhere in the body that is persistent, unusual in sensation (pricking/burning /throbbing etc.) should be looked for possible neurological causes. Pains in the spine region, headaches, pain along a nerve pathway(e.g sciatica) and pain in any region of the body may have neurological causes.
3. Special senses abnormality: Loss of vision(sudden, partial /complete), deafness, tinnitus, numbness of skin, loss of sensation of touch,smell,cold/heat and taste can occur suddenly. Though they can be due to many organic causes, they can occur due to Nervous system involvement.
4. Change in Consciousness: This is the most fearful symptom arising from nervous system diseases. Various levels of changes are seen and hence classified accordingly→
a. Fainting (syncope): This is a sudden, brief loss of consciousness after which the person may regain consciousness. Fainting can be due to simple as well as serious causes. Doctors need to evaluate this and ascertain its exact cause.
b. Seizures: Seizure disorders are caused by disturbances in the brains electrical activity which results in brain dysfunction.They can be caused by many reasons ranging from fever to tumours.Doctors try to find them out and treat accordingly. Ayurved has very extensive description regarding all this.
c. Stupor: It is defined as unresponsiveness from which a person can be aroused only via vigorous physical stimulation.This is a very serious condition which can be caused by many causes. Recovery depends on the cause.
d. Coma: This is defined as complete unresponsiveness from which a person cannot be aroused at all.This is the most severe of all conditions and obviously the most difficult to treat.Many causes can contribute towards this and hence recovery depends on the underlying cause.
5. Vertigo: This is defined as a false sensation of as if the person or his surroundings or both are spinning.This can be caused by inner ear diseases or brainstem/cerebellum diseases.Still, there may be other causes involved.
6. Cognitive changes: This is a very important clue for suspecting nervous dysfunction.Though there are many such symptoms we shall see some of them→
a. Memory loss: This is usually easily noticeable even by family members who make the patient visit a doctor. Sometimes even the patient is aware of his diminished memory and consults a doctor.Though this can be due to many trivial causes it can be an early sign of major illnesses like DEMENTIA(Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type).
b. Difficulty in recognising faces, objects.
c. Difficulty in doing common tasks like combing hair, dressing up, bathing etc.
d. Difficulty in understanding language or speaking/writing
e. Difficulty in doing simple calculations
f. Difficulty in doing step by step tasks
g. Difficulty in concentrating
7. Mental disorders: The brain does play a central role in our mental health. Imbalances in certain types of neurotransmitters, changes in the size and shape of structures in the brain can contribute to certain mental illnesses. Hence, Psychiatric illnesses and neurological illnesses DO OVERLAP in some areas, i.e patients suffering from neurological disease may have psychiatric symptoms and psychiatric patients may have neurological symptoms. Your doctor is the best person to judge this.
8. Slurred speech(dysarthria): This is a strong indicator of damage to various parts of the CNS. The ability to understand and use language is usually not affected.
This is just an indicator of what can happen when the nervous system is affected in any way. Ayurved has mentioned some unique symptoms which are called POORVAROOPA(they are an early indicator of disease development). An Ayurvedic expert can recognise them and warn the patient beforehand so that he can take all precautions and thus prevent the disease development.
4. CAUSES of BRAIN/NERVOUS System Diseases:
Ayurved has a very precise understanding of the causes of Nervous system diseases. Texts have a detailed mentioning of all such causes. The concepts of Ayurved are unique and only an Ayurvedic expert can interpret them and apply in practice. Modern research has also contributed immensely towards the precise pathophysiological understanding of these mechanisms. Let us have a look at such causes that can cause Nervous system problems→
a. Injury: Any trauma to the head region or/and the spinal cord can seriously damage various parts of the Nervous system which may result in mild to severe degrees of disabilities in the person, even very grave conditions like complete paralysis.
b. Blood supply problems(vascular): When a clot blocks the flow of blood to the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures this is called STROKE. This causes a decrease in the blood flow to the brain which results in varying degrees of brain injury.
c. Congenital: In such cases, there are birth defects in the physical structure of the brain or spinal cord that occur during fetal intrauterine growth. These can be caused by many factors, for e.g GENES, Maternal Alcohol/Smoking, environmental toxins etc. Many a time no identifiable cause is found. The baby is born with varying degrees of problems with brain function or limb movement.
d. Infections: The Nervous system can become infected by bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa etc. They can be life-threatening and require prompt treatment. Also, they can cause severe damage to the affected part thus resulting in chronic disabilities.
e. Degeneration: This is the most severe single factor that can cause very serious disabilities. Both the brain and the spinal cord and related structures can undergo degeneration. Various factors are known to aggravate degeneration, for e.g Obesity. Ayurved can prove to be a boon for such cases which are often labelled as incurable.
f. Tumours: The nervous system can get affected by both malignant(cancerous) as well as non-malignant tumours. Tumours that form in the brain and spinal cord itself are called as Primary brain tumours and tumours that have spread(metastasized) to the brain from another part of the body are called secondary.
g. Toxins: The list of toxins capable of causing Nervous damage is long. Many industrial chemicals, pesticides, medicinal drugs, metals have been known to cause neurological damage of varying degrees. Unfortunately many such KNOWN agents cant be avoided by workers or the people since they have become a part of our present age industry.
h. Autoimmune: The incidence of autoimmune nervous system diseases has been steadily rising. Guillain-Barre syndrome and Multiple sclerosis are some examples of autoimmune diseases.
5. TYPES of BRAIN/NERVOUS system Diseases:
Ayurved has its own classification, theory & hence its own way of treating diseases. According to Ayurved neurological diseases can’t occur without the vitiation in VAAT, the other Dosha’s like PITTA and KAPHA too get involved due to VAAT. It must be noted that even some of the so-called Psychiatric diseases are dealt with in Ayurved under neurological diseases. Many secrets of the brain are under research by modern researchers who are striving hard for the better understanding of such a complex system. We shall here consider the classification which is easily comprehensible for our readers which is according to modern criteria taking the brain as an organ.
1. BRAIN TUMOURS: The brain and the spinal cord are susceptible to many kinds of neoplasms. Even though they can be benign or cancerous, they can cause damage because they keep growing. Hence they have to be treated very promptly.The majority of cerebral tumours are benign or malignant neoplasms arising from the cellular components within the CNS, with metastatic tumours from systemic malignancies largely accounting for the remainder. Malignant brain tumours rarely give rise to extracerebral metastases.
2. EPILEPSY: This is a very common disease. Though the cause is unknown(in modern medicine) AYURVED has its own understanding, classification & of course very successful treatment of this very important disease.
3. Cerebral Vascular Disorders: This is the most important condition affecting the brain & unfortunately the incidence has been steadily increasing. Damage to the brain tissue due either to cerebral infarction or haemorrhage (commonly known as STROKE) is a very common cause of death. The most common vascular disorder underlying stroke is Atherosclerosis affecting intracranial/extracranial arteries.
4. Headache & facial pain: Headache is the most common & often a DIFFICULT problem in practice. Headache is the term used to describe pain in the region of the cranial vault. The main causes are Migraine, Tension headache, Temporal arteritis, meningitis, raised intracranial pressure etc. Surprisingly, many a time no exact cause can be found for chronic headaches even after extensive investigations. Ayurved has classified Headache according to its own principles & precise medicines have been mentioned in texts for this condition which can cure even the most stubborn headaches.
Facial pain is pain in the maxillary & mandibular regions. The main causes are Trigeminal neuralgia, Migrainous neuralgia, Temporomandibular arthritis etc.
5. Movement Disorders :
The most important & known condition is PARKINSONISM. Although modern medicine has categorized many conditions under this group, the cause of many such conditions remains obscure & the patient receives little help. Ayurved has described many such conditions with its own vocabulary. Many marvellous medicines have been mentioned in Ayurvedic texts for all such conditions which can treat them very very effectively.
6. Multiple Sclerosis: This is a very serious condition. Ayurved is the only Ray of hope for such patients. Ayurved has a very detailed treatment regimen for such so-called Incurable diseases. Only an Ayurvedic expert can fully comprehend what is written in text & apply it in practice. The most important goal is to help the patient so that he can live a happy and healthy life.
7. Infections of the Nervous system: The most common infections are→
a. Meningitis
b. Encephalitis
c. Poliomyelitis
d. Rabies
f. Herpes zoster
g.T. B. Meningitis
Though antibiotics have changed the scenario in all such infectious diseases, Ayurved has its own treatment regimens for all such diseases. Texts have chapters for all such conditions which show that Ayurved has had its own way of treatment for all such conditions. Though most patients get treated by modern medicine for the acute infection, we do get patients for the chronic problems associated with the disease( chronic Chikungunya arthralgia, post-herpetic neuralgia are few examples).
8. Disorders affecting the Cranial nerves:
There are 12 Cranial nerves (paired). Each has its own unique function & hence any condition affecting the nerve causes a specific disease.
a. Olfactory nerve: Damage to this nerve causes anosmia (inability to smell ).
b. Optic nerve: As the name suggests, damage to this nerve causes impairment of vision. OPTIC NEURITIS & OPTIC ATROPHY are the most important conditions when the optic nerve is affected.
c. Occulomotor
d. Trochlear
e. Abducent: This is the sixth cranial nerve. Damage to these 3 nerves ( c,d,e ) affects the movements of the eyeball.
f. Trigeminal: This is the fifth cranial nerve. The conditions affecting this nerve cause Trigeminal neuralgia.
g. Facial: When the facial nerve is affected, Bell’s palsy is the usual manifestation.
h. Vestibulo Cochlear: Damage to either part of this nerve can cause the following conditions→
1. Vertigo
2. Deafness ( sensorineural)
3. Meniere’s disease
4. Vestibular neuronitis
5. Acoustic neuroma (a benign tumour)
i. Glossopharyngeal
j. Vagus
k. Spinal accessory: Damage to these nerves (i, j, k) can cause Bulbar palsy & Pseudobulbar palsy.
l. Hypoglossal: Damage to this nerve causes weakness of the tongue movement.
Ayurved has its own vocabulary for such conditions and very detailed treatment regimen in its literature. Many such diseases are difficult to treat and Ayurved can definitely prove to be of really great help in all such conditions.
9. Diseases of the spinal cord: The spinal cord can become affected due to many reasons. This can cause the following serious conditions →
a. PARAPLEGIA: This is defined as an impairment in motor or sensory functions of both the legs. It can be caused by many causes such as Tumours, Trauma & other forms of spinal compression, Multiple Sclerosis, Degeneration of the cord, Lathyrism.
b. Cervical/Dorsal/Lumbar Spondylosis: In this, there are degenerative changes in the cervical/ dorsal/lumbar spine respectively. Very often the intervertebral discs also degenerate & secondary osteoarthrosis is seen. Neurological complications happen as a result of this process. Compression of a nerve root occurs when a disc prolapses laterally (disc herniation) and this may also develop acutely or gradually due to osteophytic encroachment of the intervertebral foramina.
c. Cervical/Dorsal/Lumbar Myelopathy: This is compression of the spinal cord in the cervical/dorsal/ lumbar region.
10. Degenerative disorders: This is the worst condition that can affect the brain. The cells of the brain degenerate & accordingly the diseases are classified. MND (motor neurone disease), Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s are some examples of this group. Most of these diseases have been termed as incurable in modern medicine, the cause also poorly understood. AYURVED has its own explanation of such conditions & offers a very elaborate treatment regimen in all such conditions. These diseases have been troubling mankind since ages & AYURVED has been treating all these for ages.
11. Nutritional Neurological Diseases: Vitamin deficiency due to malabsorption or malnutrition is a very common cause of lesions at multiple sites of the nervous system. Though it may seem to occur in poor people, that is not the case. A faulty diet, alcohol /tobacco consumption, religious starvation(upwaas) in extreme amounts, many diseases that the patient is suffering from etc. all can lead to vitamin deficiency.
a. Alcoholism: Alcohol is neurotoxic. Chronic alcoholics are known to suffer from neurotoxic effects of alcohol itself which is often complicated by the clinical features caused by vitamin deficiency. Cerebellar degeneration, dementia, peripheral neuropathy, myopathy are some serious conditions that can be caused by alcohol-induced vitamin deficiency.
b. Vit B12 deficiency: This can cause dementia, cord degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, optic atrophy.
c.Peripheral neuropathy: Deficiency of Vit B6, folic acid, B1, nicotinic acid can cause mixed sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy.
d.Lathyrism: This is seen in India where the population consumes pulses as a common constituent of their diet. If the pulses contain Lathyrus sativus ( this contains a neurotoxin), this can lead to acute or slowly progressive spastic paraplegia.
Thus we can see that the Nervous system can become affected in many ways. Ayurved has been treating all such conditions very effectively. Many such diseases are deemed incurable or very difficult to treat but Ayurved has a whole treatment regimen for the worst of cases. Consult an Ayurvedic expert for this.
6. STEPS to PREVENT BRAIN/NERVOUS system Diseases:
Ayurved has always greatly emphasized on the Preventive aspect of all diseases.For preventing Nervous system diseases, texts have mentioned so many useful, yet very easy to follow lifetime precautionary steps. It should be remembered that Nervous system diseases are usually classified as DIFFICULT TO TREAT/CURE and only very expert Ayurvedic doctors are able to offer good treatments for them.Hence it would be wise to take every precaution to prevent them from occurring.The fortunate part is that Ayurved has very elaborate treatments for all Nervous system diseases and patients should be aware of this.
a. Avoid EXTREMISM: There is a saying in Sanskrit “ATI SARVATRA VARJAYET” (extreme should always be avoided everywhere). This verse should be kept in mind, especially where health is concerned. Ayurved has mentioned precise aetiological factors for Nervous system diseases.That includes acts of extreme physical and mental stress, for e.g extreme forms of exercise, sports activities, very long distance walking/ running, riding(horse/vehicle) for long periods, Starving(upvaas), deep sorrow, anger, guilt, worry, inadequate sleep, even Too much sex etc. All such feelings harboured for long periods prove detrimental to our Nervous system in the long run and make it susceptible for future development of a grave disease. One must understand that all such activities must be done keeping in mind one’s capabilities and also under expert guidance. The list of not to do things is very long, we have just highlighted a few to give clues. Consult your Ayurvedic expert for more details.
b. Quality DIET: A complete, nourishing diet is the first essential in maintaining a healthy Nervous system. This can be done by eating plenty of fresh seasonal fruits, green vegetables, whole grains. Udad dal is especially recommended. For non-vegetarians fish, eggs, mutton soup(maans rasa)are very useful. Milk items like KHOA, GHEE(preferably from Cows milk)are recommended in Ayurved. Lahsun(garlic) is a wonderful drug which is very useful in preventing as well as in the treatment of Nervous system diseases.
c. Exercise: Regular, personalized exercise regime is a must for keeping the overall health and Nervous system in great shape. Exercise keeps a person fit, muscular and strong.Ayurved has always emphasized on Exercise for this purpose. Yoga(under expert guidance) is also recommended. Remember, wrong way of exercise will actually damage your body. Consult your Ayurvedic expert for types of exercises so that you really reap only the benefits.
d. QUIT TOBACCO: Tobacco in any form(chewing/smoking/sniffing) is the leading cause of PREVENTABLE mortality the worldwide. No matter how you consume it, the NICOTINE present in tobacco has its adverse effects on many systems of the body. The Nervous system is also very adversely affected in many ways. Tobacco users are at great risk of developing Stroke. Tobacco usage is strongly related to depression and users have significantly higher rates of clinical anxiety. It is responsible for negatively impacting the cognitive abilities, especially on long-term use. It is a known fact that longtime smokers are at more risk for developing dementia. Female users tend to enter menopause earlier thus depicting the adverse effects on the hormonal system. Nicotine is extremely habit-forming. For persons already having a Nervous system disorder, smoking aggravates that disease.To make matters worse stopping smoking leads to Withdrawal symptoms. The list of adverse effects of tobacco is very long.It can be easily understood that QUITTING TOBACCO not only will ensure a healthy Nervous system it will also prevent Heart diseases, Cancer and many more.
e. No Alcohol: Most people know that Alcohol is bad for the Liver. What most of them don’t know is it is very bad for the Nervous system too. The effects of alcohol on the nervous system can be divided into 3 categories→ acute intoxication, chronic usage and withdrawal. Alcohol is a direct toxin to the nervous system but many other factors like vitamin deficiencies, Liver disease add to its negative effect on the Nervous system. Alcohol can cause peripheral neuropathy(mostly in legs and feet) as well as dementia. Hence STAY SOBER.
f. Learn to Handle stress: Nowadays stress has become a very common accompaniment in nearly everyone’s life. What people don’t realize is the damage Continuous stress is causing to their bodies. Chronic stress can cause very serious damage to the Nervous system. Continuous activation of the Nervous system increases the wear and tear of the bodily parts, increases the risk of high B.P., Diabetes, Stroke, Depression, chronic headaches, constipation, inflammation, hormone problems. Chronic stress causes premature ageing of the brain which leads to poorer brain functions. Hence it is very crucial that we consciously take efforts to reduce stress and/or learn to manage it. This is necessary for keeping our Nervous system safe and young.
Ayurved can be rightly called as the Pathy of Choice for all Nervous system diseases, no matter how much serious the condition is. At AMOGHSANJEEVANI, we always emphasize this point since in our experience patients tend to consult us only when modern medicine has given up on the case. Patients(and relatives) must understand that Ayurved has been dealing with the most serious of Nervous system diseases since thousand of years.This rich expertise has been always present in Ayurved thanks to the contribution of many Ayurvedic scholars who enriched Ayurved. Modern medicine has also been striving hard to treat these conditions in its own way. Many such patients need hospitalisation for various complications. Complex surgeries, end-stage life support, antibiotics, hospital care, advanced investigations all are possible today with the help of modern technology. This is very valuable in emergency conditions and we applaud that. Unfortunately, in spite of all such advanced care( and very very expensive treatments), the patient is left with residual inabilities which have no good treatment in modern medicine. In last few decades, many such therapies(with big claims) have surfaced which haven’t been able to offer much help to the patient.Then the patient feels dejected after spending a huge amount of money and yet hasn’t been relieved of his complaints. Hence It would be better that patients of Paralysis, Parkinsonism, Neuropathy and all such types of serious diseases that are labelled as Incurable should consider Ayurvedic treatments for their conditions. In our GURUSHISHYA PARAMPARA, there are so much elaborate treatment regimens for all such cases that we would really want patients to take advantage of this rich expertise of Ayurved. Consult an Ayurvedic expert for that.We are always available for the same.