Heart & Ayurved
Heart Diseases & Ayurved
AYURVED has its own detailed understanding of HEART DISEASE ( HRIDAY ROGA ).Many classical ancient texts have described HRIDAY ROGA, its symptoms, causes, classifications & of course TREATMENTS. AYURVED has always recognized HEART as one of the most important body organ.It is important to note that many scholars have penned down their own knowledge regarding heart disease & developed their own FORMULAE for various Heart diseases in due course of time & enriched AYURVED.
AYURVED has been since ages dealing with all HEART DISEASES & that too chiefly by MEDICINES. The detailed anatomical/ physiological understanding of the heart & the diagnostic procedures for pinpointing the exact condition/disease has been done by modern doctors with the help of Technology.SURGICAL intervention in heart diseases is possible today thanks again to TECHNOLOGY.Modern science has developed ANGIOPLASTY /BYPASS in the last few decades & the latest is HEART TRANSPLANT. All these surgical procedures have their role in treatments. NOW, this doesn’t mean in any way that AYURVED hasn’t the ability to diagnose heart diseases.AYURVED has its own technique for diagnosing various diseases which are UNIQUE to the system. Apart from these traditional techniques, NAADI PARIKSHA (PULSE EXAMINATION ) was developed basically for diagnosing HEART DISEASES & further evolved for diagnosing all diseases. The ART of NAADI PARIKSHA has been developed to such an extent that some ( a very few ) experts are able to diagnose every disease by merely pulse examination alone. In our GURUSHISHYAPARAMPARA, great emphasis has been put on NAADI PARIKSHA.Hence those patients who don’t want to undergo these modern procedures ( due to any reason ) AYURVED HAS A WHOLE RANGE OF SUCCESSFUL TREATMENTS TO OFFER.In fact, it can be rightly said that THIS LACK OF KNOWLEDGE among the people that such a SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT IS THERE IN AYURVED for HEART DISEASES is one of the factors responsible for patients opting for ANGIOPLASTY/BYPASS/SURGERY etc. & coming to AYURVED only when modern procedures are too risky or costly or deemed of little help.
1. FUNCTIONS OF THE HEART: The heart is basically a PUMP which pumps blood to the lungs & peripheral organs.The right heart ( right atrium & right ventricle ) pump the blood through the lungs. The left heart ( left atrium & left ventricle ) pump the blood through the peripheral organs.Thus the importance of the heart in the human body can be very easily understood.When any condition develops that interferes with the normal functioning of the heart, the organs are deprived of the blood which is the lifeforce & nourishment for them. Also, the metabolic wastes are removed via the blood.A healthy heart is thus essential for this functioning without which the organs can’t function normally & various diseases arise.At the same time, the heart has a network of Coronary arteries which provide blood to the heart itself.
2. SYMPTOMS OF HEART DISEASES: Heart disease has two peculiarities when compared with diseases of other organs:
a. It is very commonly LATENT, this means that it is a disease process that can develop to a very advanced stage before the patient notices any symptoms, for e.g coronary artery disease.
b.The symptoms of heart disease are limited & a symptom can be due to many diseases.
Still, we would like to see the common symptoms of heart diseases. These are some symptoms of HEART DISEASE⇒
1. CARDIAC DEATH: the heart suddenly stops working
2. Breathlessness: It is a subjective awareness of increased work in breathing.
3. Exertional dyspnoea: this is breathlessness which comes on during exertion & subsides on rest.
4. Persistent breathlessness: usually in pulmonary edema
5. Breathlessness on lying flat
6. CHEST PAIN: most people presume that chest pain has got something to do with the heart.It may be felt as chest discomfort/tightness/pressure. It may be due to 3 conditions→
b. MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION ( heart attack )
c. Musculoskeletal chest pain
7. Oedema: peripheral oedema ( seen in lower legs ) is a feature of CHRONIC HEART FAILURE.
8. Palpitations: this usually brings the patient for a checkup.
9. Tiredness: this is a common feature in severe heart failure & IHD ( ischaemic heart disease).
This is not an all-inclusive list.Many heart diseases are SILENT (have no symptoms) & require an Expert Doctor who may diagnose it at an early stage.Ayurvedic texts have mentioned some unique symptoms that are called POORVAROOPA(they are seen when the disease is in development process, maybe months/years).Only an Ayurvedic expert can identify them & warn the patient beforehand.NAADI PARIKSHA can prove to be a BOON in such cases since very serious heart diseases can be diagnosed at a primitive stage.It is very disappointing to see that very often, tests are unable to CATCH the disease in process (for e.g Coronary artery disease) & the patient has to, unfortunately, wait for some MAJOR event ( heart attack) to happen before treatment is initiated. An expert Ayurvedic Naadi examiner can thus save many lives by his unique expertise.
The causes of Heart diseases vary with the type of heart disease.Still, there are some factors that contribute to Heart diseases in general or may aggravate the disease.Let us have a look at them:
1. Life Style choices: This is a very important single factor that predisposes to Heart disease. SMOKING, ALCOHOL, JUNK FOODS, LACK OF EXERCISE, HIGH STRESS, etc. (the list is long) all contribute towards Atherosclerosis(basic culprit in cardiovascular diseases).Eventually, this leads to severe narrowing of arteries & proves fatal.The important part is that these are TOTALLY CONTROLLABLE & hence PREVENTABLE factors for heart disease.So, MAKE GOOD CHOICES FOR YOUR HEART.
2. Stress: We know that all Events that cause stress are not controllable.We are humans.We have emotions & desires. Many things happen in our lives due to various reasons which escalate our stress levels.Stress has a very very bad impact on our Heart as well as contributing towards High B.P, Diabetes, Obesity etc. A POSITIVE ATTITUDE is the way out. Though you can’t control everything that happens in your life, YOU CAN CONTROL HOW YOU Face these adversities with COURAGE.
3. OBESITY: Chapters & chapters can be written on this world epidemic.Just imagine a normal person’s heart (around 60 kg weight) compared with an obese persons’ heart(around 90 kg weight).Does the heart get stronger with weight? Just imagine how much extra workload is being put on the poor heart? Obviously, the heart is going to get TIRED very fast thus reducing its life & efficacy.
>4. DIABETES: This is a direct risk factor for heart disease.Also, the risk of SILENT HEART ATTACK is much more in diabetics.
5. HYPERTENSION: This is second only to Diabetes if not equal in causing heart disease.The earlier the age of onset more is the risk.
6. HIGH CHOLESTEROL: This is the real culprit in causing Cardiovascular disease because High Cholesterol( especially LDL ) stimulates the process of Atherosclerosis. This atherosclerosis over years is the chief event causing Coronary artery disease, Stroke, Peripheral vascular disease etc.
7. SMOKING: This requires a special mention separately.Smoking is a direct risk factor for HEART/LUNG disease & CANCER. Smoking intensifies the Atherosclerosis process as a direct TOXIN. We can say that Smoking has the same effect on blood vessels as Alcohol has on the liver
8. Congenital: Congenital heart defects are not uncommon. Causes include Genetic, environmental,maternal alcohol intake,maternal illnesses(obesity,diabetes etc.)
9. LACK OF EXERCISE: This ultimately affects every aspect of health.It’s true that different exercises are recommended for different people depending on age, muscular strength, personal exercise goals, prevailing diseases etc. Still exercises like WALKING are the most effective, simple, cost-free, easy way to keep fit, trim & in health. Consult your Doctor for more details on Exercise that are best suited for you. Ayurvedic texts have given the detailed list of causes that predispose a person to the development of heart diseases. A person must avoid these in his lifestyle so that the risk is reduced.
4.TYPES OF HEART DISEASES: Ayurved has classified Heart diseases according to the vitiation of Doshas.Only an Ayurvedic Expert can interpret these principles & apply them in practice.Hence for the readers who are familiar only with modern medical terminology, we describe the types of Heart diseases according to modern medicine⇒
The prevalence of this is increasing at an alarming rate, especially in urban India with rural India also not far behind. The terrifying fact is that younger people ( below 20 years of age, the number is still dropping) are suffering from this disease which was never heard of a couple of decades ago.Many of our youth have lost their life & hence careers at a premature age. It is time we wake up.Most coronary disease is due to atheroma ( plaque ) & its complications.It presents in two main forms:
a. ANGINA ( stable/unstable)
b. MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION ( heart attack )
The normal heart beats at a steady & controlled rate of 72 beats per minute.This rate is controlled by the electrical conduction system of the heart.When problems arise in this system the heart beats too slowly, too fast or irregularly.
3. HEART FAILURE (C.C.F): Here the heart is unable to maintain an adequate cardiac output.
4. RHEUMATIC DISEASE: It is mainly of two types
a. Acute rheumatic fever: presents as carditis
b. Chronic Rheumatic heart disease: in this, there is a progressive fibrosis particularly affecting the heart valves.
a. MITRAL STENOSIS: there is a gradual scarring process in the valve that takes many years to develop fully.
b. Aortic / tricuspid stenosis.
a. Myocarditis
b. Cardiomyopathy
This is only a general informative list.The terminology in Heart diseases is very complex & should be left for medical experts to comprehend.Ayurved has its own classification of heart diseases.An Ayurvedic expert can interpret this & plan the treatment accordingly. We can say definitely that Ayurved has had a complete understanding of all Heart diseases.This is evident by the various medicinal formulae indicated specifically for various Heart conditions including complications.The approach is different when compared with modern medicine since Ayurved deals with all heart diseases via medicines.
AYURVED has emphasized greatly on the preventive aspect of treatment in all diseases. Especially in Coronary heart disease, there are many CORRECTABLE factors that can be avoided.The only requirement is to be HEALTH CONSCIOUS & then to gain knowledge about how it can be done.Ayurved has described many steps for preventing Heart diseases.This includes mental, physical & spiritual lifestyle changes so that Heart disease doesn’t occur.Even modern research has shown that plaque formation can be limited in its progression up to a great extent by following these preventive measures.
1. PROPER DIET: The diet should be easily digestible.It should be properly balanced to meet all the caloric & nutritional requirements of the body. A very low fat, moderate protein & carbohydrate diet is recommended. Seasonal fruits, fresh boiled vegetables(even in juice form ) are to be taken.AYURVED has recommended GARLIC, HONEY, old jaggery, buttermilk, dhania, ginger to be taken daily. Meat soups are preferred. The basic concept is to take a liquid diet.Sendha namak( very little ) is preferred over normal salt.Spices are best avoided though turmeric, dhania, pudina, ajwain, can be taken. Still, your Ayurvedic Expert is the best person who should plan your diet taking into account all these factors.
2. LIFESTYLE CHANGES: AYURVED recommends complete mental relaxation in one’s routine. Also, he/she should not attempt to control the natural urges of urine, stool, tears, flatus, thirst etc. By doing so the mind & body is completely relaxed & the heart is free of any exertion.This will definitely help in preventing Heart disease.
3. EXERCISE: Lack of exercise is one of the major reasons for developing heart disease at an early age because exercise helps in controlling weight, diabetes, B.P., etc. No person should expect LONG LIFE & HEALTH without exercise. Consult your Doctor who will recommend the most suitable exercise for you.Once heart disease has developed, only your doctor can judge whether you can do any exercise or not.
4. NO SMOKING PLEASE: Smoking is a direct risk factor for heart disease.
5. OPTIMUM WEIGHT: Please know about your optimum weight from your doctor & STRIVE HARD to ACHIEVE IT.
6. OPTIMUM CHOLESTEROL: Even a mild cholesterol is a direct risk factor for heart disease. There are many medicines in AYURVED to lower cholesterol apart from dietary restrictions.
7. CONTROL DIABETES & B.P: If you are already having these diseases, then aim to keep them under strict control. AYURVED can do it for you.
All these steps will definitely help in reducing the risk of developing heart disease.These causative factors are controllable by us.Be health conscious & strive hard to follow these simple rules.Your heart will thank you for that.
As stated earlier AYURVED has its own UNIQUE classification, understanding & diagnosis of heart diseases.Only an ayurvedic expert who has mastered the science can deal with such life-threatening diseases. In our GURUSHISHYAPARAMPARA, there are so many wonderful & marvelous medicines to deal in such cases.Actually speaking all such medicines have been already mentioned in various classical texts.Some scholars developed their own medicinal formulae & enriched AYURVED.It definitely takes years & years of practice & guidance to achieve such a mastery. Since AYURVED chiefly deals in heart diseases via medicines, hence it is a boon for such patients who don’t want to undergo surgery ( due to any reason ) and for those patients in whom modern doctors are themselves not willing to operate ( due to valid medical reasons).Also even if you have undergone surgery once, AYURVED can help you in preventing it in the future.It would be noticeable that many patients are not benefitted even by surgery & come to AYURVED for these complaints. It is only after undergoing such procedures that patients realize it & come to AYURVED.At AMOGHSANJEEVANI, we are well aware of these facts & appreciate modern medicine for all the service they are giving to mankind.It would be better if modern medicine realizes the potential of AYURVED & reciprocates in the same manner since we all are here to ultimately SERVE MANKIND.
Ayurved deals in all such cases with MEDICINES only where modern medicine recommends SURGERY( angioplasty/bypass/transplant ). HOW & WHY? Because Ayurved has been treating such conditions with medicines(mostly) since ages.Surgery in Ayurved must have been existent but due to historical reasons, many Ayurvedic SKILLS were LOST in due time thus causing tremendous damage to Ayurved. Many traditions were lost & Ayurved suffered a huge setback.Fortunately, Ayurved has SURVIVED the vicissitudes of time & many legacies are still in practice. Modern surgical procedures have been developed in the last 30- 40 years & used extensively in practice nowadays. Modern doctors & the general public are mostly unaware of this rich traditional expertise of Ayurved & hence very little research has been done to validate Ayurvedic views of treatment. We do feel that these modern procedures have their role in treatments. Ayurved deals successfully in these cases via medicines. This can be said with utmost confidence. Many such cases can be dealt with only medicines( even modern).So if Ayurved does deal in such cases with medicines only why questions are raised? We do agree that these surgical procedures are required GENUINELY in many cases but that is a pure medical judgement. Leave it to medical experts to decide.We are only saying that many cases can be dealt with very satisfying results via Ayurvedic medicines.Consult your Ayurvedic doctor for that.You can always contact us for the same.