The gall bladder is known as PITTASHAY in Ayurved. This small but crucial organ has been mentioned adequately in Ayurvedic classical texts. There are other synonyms used to desrcribe it. Texts have mentioned all those conditions which this organ can get affected by. Ayurved has its own understanding of causes, types, symptoms and treatments for Gall bladder disease.: Stone formation is the most common condition which can affect the Gall Bladder. Here we are going to describe that.
1. Functions of Gall Bladder: The main function of the gall bladder is to store the bile secreted continually by the liver .This bile is concentrated in the gall bladder by the gall bladder itself. The gall bladder empties this bile when needed in the duodenum ( first part of the small intestine). When food begins to be digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, the gall bladder begins to empty the stored bile ( nearly about 30 minutes after a meal). This emptying is more when a person has a fatty meal.
2. Gall Bladder STONES: GB stones are usually of two types
a. Cholesterol stones: The cholesterol in the bile precipitates resulting in the formation of cholesterol stones. This precipitation of cholesterol is caused by many factors like too much secretion of cholesterol in the bile, inflammation of the GB epithelium, too much absorption of water from bile etc.
b. Pigment stones: These are composed of bilirubin and calcium salts. They are usually a consequence of infection in the biliary tree.
3. Ayurvedic Treatment of Gall Stones: Ayurved has marvellous medicinal treatment for all types and sizes of gall stones and also for other diseases of the gall bladder. There are many medicinal formulae that are written in texts for GB stones. In our GURUSHISHYAPARAMPARA there are some very unique formulae for treating this condition. Our readers must be curious to know how does Ayurved treat GB stones via medicines? Let us have a look.
Ayurved has its own understanding of the mechanism of GB stone formation. Accordingly the treatment is achieved in two ways.
a. Direct Dissolution of GB Stones: Many precise medicines exist which are very capable of doing so. An ayurvedic expert chooses the formulae depending on many factors. Hence every patient of GB stone is treated individually and given different medicines. The stones are reabsorbed in the system.
b. Prevention of GB Stones: This is the most crucial aspect of treatment in this condition. Since the mechanism of formation of GB stones is multifactorial, mere dissolving stones won't suffice. Stones will keep forming again and again over the course of time. Ayurved has rightly identified this point and medicines are administered to prevent formation of stones. This ensures a complete treatment in all possible ways.
Ayurved can thus very effectively treat GB stones. It must be remembered that gall bladder removal surgery is the chief solution offered in modern medicine for nearly all such patients. Modern medicine does have drugs for this condition but they have to be taken for years, have side effects and are very expensive. Also they don’t offer a permanent solution for this condition because stones are formed again once the drug is stopped. We always appreciate modern medicine for all the technical advancements it has achieved which can save many lives in an emergency situation. But here we are focusing on those cases who don’t require any emergency surgical intervention. Ayurved comes into role here. Ayurved is infact a boon for all such patients who do not want to undergo surgery (for any valid reason). Such patients come to Ayurved in search of a nonsurgical treatment for their gall stones. As explained earlier Ayurved has very precise and effective treatments for this. Consult an Ayurvedic expert for that. At Amoghsanjeevani we are always available for the same.